Dan Henry – Digital Millionaire Coaching 2022
Take your digital product business and sales to the next level
Dear Future Digital Millionaire,
If you are here, chances are you’re looking for a team that can help you start, grow or scale your digital product business.
You’ve likely also talked to several other companies who can only solve part of your problem, who speak in generalities, or who simply aren’t direct and to the point.
I’ve been there. A decade ago I tried to learn how to grow my digital product business. There were people that could help me with bits and pieces, but it not the entire picture.
I had to put the puzzle pieces together myself. As well, no one taught me how to do these things well, they taught me the why, and sometimes the how, but not the execution.
I made so many mistakes along the way that could’ve been avoided if I had someone to help me that understood the entire journey.
That’s why I created this company.
Every day you wait is another day you are unsure of how to grow. Let us guide you like we have so many others.
How Can We Help?
This is our main coaching program where we help people build highly profitable digital product businesses.
We’ll show you how to create the perfect offer, or help you fix an existing offer.
- Marketing
We’ll give you our tried and true “8-Figure systems”. Plug and Play.
- Advertising
Our clients get 5-10X return on paid traffic, as well as some that have scaled to 6-Figure months with only our organic strategies.
- Sales
Learn the exact sales strategies that allowed Dan to have Million Dollar days and our clients to radically transform their business.
Who We Work With
My team and I love helping people who are fun to work with, committed, and don’t mind direct, sometimes brash, advice. You are likely a good fit if:
You’re committed. If you’re the cheapest, no one expects you to be the best. If you’re the best, no one expects you to be the cheapest. We are not cheap, but we are a lot cheaper than doing this alone. We are committed to getting you a fantastic ROI, one that would make stocks or bonds look like pocket change. But you must be committed as well.
You’re coachable. We’ve coached hundreds of entrepreneurs to grow hundreds of six and seven-figure offers and even played a part in several eight-figure offers. We have refined our process over five years, with $25 million in sales, and hundreds of coaching calls. Our stuff works, but only if you stick to the plan.
You have ethics. Our philosophy is 100% ethical. We do not teach unethical marketing tactics. We do not teach high-pressure sales and we do not teach “gaming the system”. We don’t help get rich quick people and we don’t help people that are constantly looking for “the easy way”. If you don’t believe in taking the time to properly learn and execute, we cannot help you.
What Makes Us Different?
Dan Henry sold millions of his own online course and coaching from his laptop. It was not a program on how to sell courses or advice.
From there, he decided to help others sell their advice online and wrote Digital Millionaire Secrets, which became a Wall Street Journal USA Today bestseller.
Since then Dan’s company has scaled over $25 million and has helped online course creators, consultants, coaches, software owners, masterminds, and agencies that sell high ticket services grow their companies to the next level.
Our clients are successful because we don’t make them nerd out on Internet marketing.
We are here to help you grow your company. We want to empower you to do that as fast as possible without getting stuck in the weeds.
The most important aspect of this business is how well you craft your offer, how well you articulate that offer to the market, and how good you are at selling and fulfilling it.
We help you get really good at all of that, without needing to become really good at tech.
There is a reason why some of the best in the business came from our program.
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